- What in your ASP toolkit? 你的ASP工具包里有些什么?
- What in your opinion can be done to stop smoking? 你认为该如何禁烟?
- What in your opinion can be done to stop people smoking? 你认为怎样才能让人们戒烟?
- Love sees no color,ege,or looks,but only sees what in your heart. 爱情不在于相貌;年龄;样子;它仅仅来自于你的内心.
- It's very useful to find the time elapsed between two points in your ASP scripts (for example, a DB calls script). 它可以用于获得ASP脚本中两个点之间经过的时间(如,一个数据库调用脚本)。
- Relate only what in your conscience you think necessay for me to hear. 请您只讲那些您从良心上认为需要讲给我听的话吧。
- Relate only what in your conscience you think necessary for me to hear. 请您只讲那些您从良心上认为需要讲给我听的话吧。
- What in your view is the cause of his melancholy and eventual death? 你认为他的忧郁和最后死亡的原因是什么?
- What do you like doing in your spare time? 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?
- Can you show me what you have in your hand? 你能把你手里的东西给我看看吗?
- Tell me what happened in your own words. 用你自己的话把发生的事情告诉我。
- What in the world are they hoping for? 他们到底想要什么?
- Direct at this moment inspire me: ' what is what in your life you long to get most? 这时导演启发我:‘在你的生活中你最渴望得到的是什么?
- You want the marshaling of data between your ASP. 你想要你的 ASP.
- What in your case occupies the entire field of consciousness, is a mere speck in mine. ?拙菽阏?鲆馐冻〉模?谖抑皇歉霭叩恪
- What do you usually do in your leisure time? 你通常在空闲时间做些什么?
- What ever put that idea in your head? 到底是什么使你想出那个主意的?
- Do what is right in your own sight. 做你认为对的事。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- But what in case there is short weight or disqualification? 但如果短重或是质量不合格怎么办?